New leadership at Namibia’s Chamber of Mines talks up green hydrogen linkages

Namibia’s Chamber of Mines has announced Mr. George Botshiwe, who is current MD of QKR  Navachab Gold Mine as Second Vice President during the Special General Meeting held on 30 August 2022.

Botshiwe is a Mining Engineer by training and joined Navachab Gold Mine as a mining engineer in 2004. He was appointed as the youngest MD of Navachab Gold Mine in January 2018, tasked with implementing a turnaround strategy to resolve the financially distressed Namibian mine.  The Navachab Gold Mine is an open-pit gold mine situated near Karibib, in the Erongo Region of Namibia, and under Botshiwe and his team, appears to have weathered the storm with new expansion projects underway

Botshiwe, who  holds a Mining Engineering Honours Degree from the University of Zimbabwe, a Post Graduate Mining Engineering degree from Wits University and an MBA from the London School of Business and Finance, joins the Chamber executive led by Hilifa Mbako, Executive Chairperson of Orano Mining Namibia (President), and former MD of Zimbabwe’s Murowa Diamonds and current Vice President & Managing Director, Dundee Precious Metals Tsumeb, Zebra Kasete (First Vice President).

Speaking just before the Mining Expo & Conference held at the Windhoek Showgrounds, Chamber  CEO Veston Malango (pictured) stated that Nambibia’s mining mining sector is involved in exploring new frontiers such as using natural resources like gas or solar power to produce (green) hydrogen which has applications in mining operations, for instance using hydrogen fuel cells to power haul trucks and ammonium nitrate being a product from ammonia, has a wide application as a major component for explosives (ANFO). “The Chamber is at the forefront of the discussion around a green hydrogen industry in Namibia and linkages with other sectors of the economy and chairs one of the Private Sector Green Hydrogen Working Groups,” explained Mr. Malango.

The Chamber’s Executive Committee’s term runs  for the period 2022 – 2023

Namibia’s Chamber of Mines CEO Venston Malango

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